Copyright 2009
Ricerche su fenomeni marginali
(dall'archivio della British School of Telepathy)*
Nowhere Gallery, via Moscova 15, 20121 Milan
29th may - 31st july 2008
*Investigations of Marginal Phenomena (from the British School of Telepathy Archive)
A selection of work exploring phenomena often considered marginal to the main discourses of Modern Art, but increasingly prevalent in current practice - randomness, automatism, hypnosis and simultaneity. The show included drawings, photographs, kinetic multiples and MILLIONS NOW LIVING WILL NEVER DIE a "short film that goes on as long as you want and never looks the same..." There was also be an opportunity to see the "Machine For Capturing The Fleeting Instant...", the Mutoscope which explores the nature of Time and Movement with a combination of 19 th and 21 st Century mechanics, and to try out the "Portable Flicker", a device for stimulating visual effects directly to the viewer's cerebral cortex.